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questions and answers
home products TOS
What hardware/software do you use?

[taozipie] answered:

I use an XP Pen 13.3 Artist (I don't really recomend it, 400 euros for something with buggy drivers and headaches T-T) and Paint Tool Sai and Photoshop cc 2017. I use PTSai for everything, sketching, painting, and all that jazz. I use Photoshop for color adjustment, sparkles, shine, and any of the extra stuff.

[taozipie] answered:

I gradually found it after trying new things here and there, adding anything I thought looked good, and stuck to it :0 find that one thing and incorporate it in each of your artworks, that's what worked for me and alot of others! How did you find your style? Do you do commissions?

[taozipie] answered:

I do! Please check out this post for all the information: Commission Info

[Taozipie] answered:

Click right here! Where can I find all your brush sets/resource packs? What are the processing/shipping times for each order?

[taozipie] answered:

It takes me 2-3 buisiness days to print the photos, and 1-3 to ship it out ^^ I'm shipping from Lithuania, so here are the estimated times for some major countries ^-^ United States: 10~15 days Europe : 5~10 days Asia : 10~15 days Australia : 12~20 days

[Taozipie] answered:

Click right here! Although, it may or may not be included, depending on the shipping price. Where can I track my order? Home
